Though it is unfortunate, we occasionally hear from a potential client who believes they have been fired from their place of employment for a reason unrelated to their job performance. They may believe that they were fired from their workplace because of their gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity or a disability. It is important to know that your employer is not legally allowed to fire you because of any of these factors. If you are able to prove that you were fired for any of the reasons listed above, you may be able to bring a case against your employer for wrongful termination.

Some of the other conditions that fall under wrongful termination include a breach of contract or retaliation. Retaliation consists of an employee being fired because they spoke up about the workplace rights they are entitled to. An employee should not be afraid that they will lose their job if they speak to their boss about a situation such as believing that they are not being compensated for the number of hours that they have worked or being treated unfairly in the workplace.

It is important that if you believe you are not being treated fairly in the workplace or you were fired from your job for something protected under the anti-discrimination laws in New Jersey that you speak to an experienced employment attorney who can take a look at your situation and help you put together a case against your employer.

If you need someone to assess your case, guide you through your options, and diligently advocate on your behalf, you should contact The Salvo Law Firm, P.C.